Date limite de réponse à l’appel : 13 février 2022
For Aby Warburg, God was in the details; for others they were the devil. From manuscript miniatures to carved altarpieces or richly decorated muqarnas , detail was highly valued in the Middle Ages. In different circumstances the deployment of detail displays, disguises and depends upon the materiality of objects, embedded in the woven structure of textiles, the techniques of Islamic metal inlay, and the varied receptivity to carved decoration of ivory, marble, alabaster and boxwood. The production of detail was demanding, often requiring fine materials, masterful skill, hours of time and technical innovation. Small things, then, as well as large, could speak to the sophistication and power of patrons, but did details also communicate in more subtle ways? Details could disrupt well-established iconographies and half-conceal subversive subtexts, or present subtle suggestions which only the most perceptive viewers would appreciate. Did details also affect scalar relationships between viewer and object, pointing beyond the material dimensions of the ordinary world? The production and reception of details are central to this colloquium.
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M. Lémeillat (19 décembre 2021). appel à contributions : God is in the Details” – The Art of Detail in the Middle Ages. AJCH. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse