Lieu : Université de Coimbra, Portugal
Dates : 10-12 juillet 2023
Date limites pour proposer une contribution : 31 janvier 2023
The International Conference COMMEMORtis – What survives after death? Parish communities and death commemoration strategies in the medieval city invites all researchers working on the medieval urban parish and studying the history of death and the economy of salvation. We also encourage the participation of historiographical analysis based on Digital Humanities. We therefore invite the submission of proposals for communications that will scrutinise late medieval urban parishes and their parishioners, taking particular notice of the beliefs and behaviour predicated upon death.
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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
camillepaccou (18 janvier 2023). Appel à contribution – What survives after death ? Parish communities and death commemoration strategies in the medieval city. AJCH. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse