Appel à communication – 9th Nordic Educational History Conference, 14-16 May 2025

Dates : 14-16 mai 2025

Lieu : Université de Stockholm

Date limite pour soumettre une proposition : 1er novembre 2024

We warmly invite you to the 9th Nordic Educational History Conference, at Aula Magna, Frescati, Stockholm University! The theme of the conference is Power and resistance.

Conference theme

Wherever there is education, there is power and resistance. The 9th Nordic Educational History Conference invites papers that deal with these two fundamental features of social and educational processes.

Contributions can discuss issues related to either power, resistance or both, including how they are interrelated. In terms of empirical contexts, education can be broadly understood as an activity that takes place in institutions of various forms, pre-schools, schools, universities, but also in a range of other formal and informal contexts where some kind of transmission of knowledge and values is intended to take place.

Theoretically, there are a rich variety of traditions that have discussed how patterns of domination emerge, are maintained and spread to new contexts, as well as the many ways in which they can be challenged or resisted. 

Contributions to the conference may include, but are not limited to, discussions of:

  • Life in institutions 
  • Professional groups
  • Categorization, normality and deviance 
  • The political steering of education
  • Educational technology 
  • Social movements, interest groups
  • Revolutions
  • Propaganda
  • The role of different types of media 
  • The role of the state and/or private companies
  • War, peace, reconstruction
  • Space, materiality, architecture
  • Systems of inspection, evaluation and assessment

Plus d’informations ici.

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avermauwt (7 septembre 2024). Appel à communication – 9th Nordic Educational History Conference, 14-16 May 2025. AJCH. Consulté le 6 octobre 2024 à l’adresse

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