Date limite pour soumettre un résumé : 2 décembre 2024
This volume will be published with Medica: Studies in Pre-Modern Health and Healing (Routledge).
The history of healing has a rich body of scholarship, albeit one that is scattered across time, topic, and place. This volume seeks to bring together this rather disparate field by soliciting engaging works that explore the nature of healing, broadly defined, through a variety of lenses from history to ethnopharmacology to archaeology and beyond from the Ancient World to 1800. Only through interdisciplinary work does the study of pre-modern health and healing begin to take shape. As healing knows few boundaries, this volume will explore care and cure across the globe in an effort to highlight common threads and themes.
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sbounoua (12 novembre 2024). Appel à articles – “La guérison dans le monde prémoderne” (Routledge). AJCH. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse